Process Assessment Worksheets

Making improvements in any process requires an understanding of many things. What the process is, what roles exist, what systems support the process, what work hand-offs exist, what other processes this process interfaces with and other important information. These worksheets provide a basis for collecting this information to form the basis for effective improvements.

WHAT  -  Two alternative worksheets are available to assess process status to form the information basis for improvements.

WHY  -  Processes drive virtually all core aspects of any organization. For an organization to be successful and effective, the processes it performs must be adequate and must be consistently reviewed and updated to match changing needs. To know if a given process is adequate and if it should be improved, key information about the process is needed. These worksheets provide an assessment and communication framework to support sound process evaluations.

HOW  -  What to Do

  • Assemble an Improvement Team and Select a Worksheet Version
  • Complete the Worksheet as a Team
  • Have Other Stakeholders Review Completed Worksheet for Validation
  • Use the Worksheet to Identify Needed Improvements
  • Prioritize and Assign Specific Improvement Actions

Versions - Two versions exist, a basic and a more detailed worksheet. It is recommended that improvement teams start with the basic version and then later review the more detailed version for enhanced information assembly.